Andrew Plummer and Taylor Ibbotson won the student competition with a poster titled “Management of Tarnished Plant Bug (Lygus lineolaris) in Cotton.”. Tarnished Plant Bug (TPB), Lygus lineolaris, is the number one insect pest in Mid-South cotton production. TPB feeding causes square loss, deformed flowers, and damaged bolls ultimately resulting in reduced yield. TPB is a difficult pest to manage in cotton, with growers averaging 4-6 insecticide applications per year. A regional Mid-South study was conducted from 2017 through 2020, to evaluate the efficacy and residual control of insecticides currently available for TPB control. These trials are also used to monitor for potential resistance issues in the Mid-Southern U.S. Insecticides evaluated included: Transform (sulfoxaflor), Centric (thiamethoxam), Vydate (oxamyl), Orthene (acephate), Brigade (bifenthrin), Bidrin (dicrotophos), Couraze Max (imidacloprid), Carbine (flonicamid) and Diamond(novaluron). Treatments were initiated when a threshold of 3 TPB per 5 row feet were observed in the test area. At 7 days after the first application, all treatments reduce TPB numbers below the untreated. However, only Centric kept TPB densities under threshold, so a second application was made at 7 days after treatment (DAT). Following the second application all treatments reduced TPB densities compared to the untreated check, but many of the tested insecticides failed to provide consistent control. Results from this study indicated that Diamond, Transform, Orthene, and Brigade + Orthene performed consistently better than the other insecticides.